Rs. 273 Crore DPR For Restoration Of Dal, Nigeen Lakes.

Rs. 273 Crore DPR For Restoration Of Dal, Nigeen Lakes.

The Jammu Kashmir administration has prepared Rs 273 crore detailed project report (DPR) for the restoration of Dal and Nigeen lakes in the summer capital.

The project will be funded through the Prime Minister’s Development Package after the J&K government submitted a DPR to the federal government for its financing.

According to a senior government official, a revised DPR for Rs 273 crore has been created and is awaiting approval. The preparation of an integrated DPR for the twin lakes’ conservation, costing Rs 273 crore according to officials is aimed to restore the past glory of these water bodies.

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The goal of the project, according to officials, is to improve the water quality through watershed management, and the establishment of a sewerage network for 28 hamlets within the lake, and lake area dredging.

“The decreased BoD/DO content/values in the lake show that Dal Lake is in much better shape now than it was in the past. The lake would have about 250 fountains built this year, enhancing its appeal as a tourist destination.”

The central government in the past has also provided funding for the restoration of Dal and Nigeen Lake. But as numerous assessments have shown, the lakes’ state is still getting worse.

According to the official, the Pollution Control Board has also written to the government requesting that a new DPR be created to protect Dal Lake.

Recently, Lieutenant Governor said that the De-weeding and dredging of Dal Lake will be done with the help of the public.

The Lt Governor further noted that over the past two years, serious efforts have been made to conserve and maintain other water bodies throughout J&K, clean Dal Lake, and restore its natural beauty. According to him, Rs 273 crore has been budgeted for the development and preservation of Dal and Nigeen lakes this year.

For the first time ever, Dal Lake is being cleaned up through a successful initiative that actively involves the public. “The de-weeding programme, launched last year, was highly successful; now we will add new cleaning equipment to the existing fleet and begin dredging operations on the western side to restore 60,000 sq meters area,” he had stated.