The Transport Commissioner of Jammu and Kashmir, Vishesh Paul Mahajan, has announced that the fare for e-rickshaws has been fixed at Rs. 10 per person per kilometer. E-rickshaws will also be restricted to designated routes, with a maximum operating range of six kilometers.
“Any violations of the designated routes or distance restrictions will attract strict legal action,” Mahajan told the media, as per JKNS.
He also emphasized that petrol autos must have functioning meters installed. “Strict action will be taken against any auto found operating without a meter. Rates have already been set by the Regional Transport Office (RTO) or Motor Vehicles Department,” he said.
Mahajan urged passengers to ensure compliance by reporting violations. “Passengers have a responsibility to report non-compliance. Violators will be penalized, and complaints can be lodged with the RTO,” he added.
On the issue of pending driving licenses, Mahajan disclosed that approximately two lakh licenses are delayed due to printing issues. “The tendering process for printing is in its final stage, and we expect to clear the backlog by the end of this month. Licenses will be sent via post as earlier, ensuring a streamlined process,” he assured.
He further warned drivers to adhere to speed limits and follow safe driving practices, underlining the importance of public safety.