Hurriyat Aghast At Displacement of Gujjar Bakarwals, Demand Release of Journo Sajad Gul.

Hurriyat Aghast At Displacement of Gujjar Bakarwals, Demand Release of Journo Sajad Gul.

All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) on Thursday expressed anguish at the plight of Gujjar Bakarwals, who were forcibly displaced in Jammu from their dwelling.

The Hurriyat press release also said that a few days back journalist Sajad Dar was arrested for doing his duty of reporting facts , and charged brutally for “criminal conspiracy”.

“Such harassment of scribes has become a routine in the valley,” Hurriyat said.

APHC asked the authorities to release Sajad Gul, and stop the policy of intimidation through arrests and detentions.

Hurriyat also sympathized with Gujjars and Bakarwals in Jammu who have been forcibly removed from their dwellings of 8 decades during a demolition drive.

As per the statements given to press by those displaced, they were given no prior notice about it, and have in mid-winter and at a time when the pandemic is once again spreading fast been rendered without a roof.

APHC said that while outsiders are being incentivised to buy land and property in J&K to change its demographics, it is very unfortunate that Jammu and Kashmir’ s own citizens are being displaced and rendered homeless in such inhuman way.

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