Online applications are invited from Retired Indian Nationals for filling up Project Officer position in Procurement and Inventory Control/ Accounts and Audit at IIT Jammu.
Vacancy details of IIT Jammu Recruitment 2022:
Name of Post: Project Officer
Salary per month: Rs. 50,000 – Rs. 80,000/- (Consolidated)
Age: Below 65 years
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Eligibility Criteria for IIT Jammu Recruitment 2022:
(i) Graduate with at least 55%marks from recognized universities/institutes.
(ii) Preference shall be given to MBA candidates in the field of Finance, Supply Chain, or Logistics Management.
(iii) Experience of working in a Government department/ Central Purchase Organization or equivalent will be preferred for shortlisting.
Where to apply for IIT Jammu Recruitment 2022:
(i) Candidates are required to apply online only from 28 July 2022 to 04 August 2022 up to 5:00 pm.
(ii) For submission of application through online mode, please visit:
(iii) Incomplete application will be summarily rejected.
(iv) For any queries and information, please write to
(v) For further information, visit IIT Jammu website
For further details/information regarding qualification, experience, general instructions and submission of online application etc., please visit the Institute website
The last date for submission of applications only through online mode is 04.08.2022 (Thursday) up to 5:00 p.m.
Official Notification: CLICK HERE
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