J&K High Court Recruitment: Exam Date and Admit card released, Check details here
It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned that Shorthand/Type test for the posts of Steno-Typist in Subordinate Courts of UT of Jammu and Kashmir, advertised vide Notification No. 01 of 2022 -dated 01.01.2022, which is scheduled to be conducted on 2nd April 2022 (Saturday), shall be held at the
following centres:
a) Shree Vaishnavi Institute of Technology Maloofa Avenue, Chowadhi, Birpur Road, opposit-TRB Petrol Pump-Chowadhi, Jammu-180010, for Jammu based candidates.
b) Faster Computer, Goripora Sanat Nagar, Jeep Showroom Lane, Opposite Marriage Hall, Srinagar, for kashmir based candidates.
The candidates are further informed that time slot for the Test and the reporting time would be mentioned in the Admit cards.
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The admit cards can be downloaded from the link available on the website of High Court of J&K and Ladakh mentioned below. Admit cards must be carried by the candidates to the examination centre along with their identity proof.
Official Notification: CLICK HERE
Download Admit card: CLICK HERE
Official Website: http://jkhighcourt.nic.in/