AAI Job Recruitment 2023

AAI Job Recruitment 2023

Airports Authority of India desires to engage Retired ATCOs as Consultant (ATM) at Kolkata, Bhubaneswar & Patna, on contract basis for a period of one year.


a. The retired officials should be medically fit and of age not more than 70 years.

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b. The eligible candidate should be clear from vigilance / disciplinary angle at the time of retirement. In this regard, the candidate has to submit supporting document.

c. There should be no criminal case pending against the eligible candidate and the same will be self-certified by the respective candidate.

d. The applicant should be willing to join immediately or on a short notice time.


a. The duration of engagement of Consultant, shall be for 01 (one) year.

b. The appointment of consultants would be on full-time basis and she / he will not be permitted to take up any other assignment during the period of consultancy.

c. Both AAI and the consultant can terminate / resign the services during the period of engagement by giving one-month notice period or one-month remuneration in lieu of notice period.


a. Assisting in the works of ATC Units, WSO, Offices (Library, etc.), Leave Record, Tape Transcript, Incident / Accident Investigation, Rescue and Coordination Center, RNFC Billings, Checking of Data for ATCO Licensing, ALB Checking, Preparation of Statistics, Content Preparation for various displays, Preparation of Rosters, Verification of Training Data, etc.


a. Consultants will be required to mark their biometric/manual attendance daily at the place of reporting in line with AAI employee’s attendance system at the place of engagement.

b. Consultants shall be eligible for 15 days leave in a calendar year on pro-rata basis.

c. Therefore, a consultant shall not draw any remuneration in case of his/her absence beyond 12 days (in one spell) in a year.

d. Un-availed leave in a calendar year cannot be carried forward to next calendar year or encashed at the end of the tenure.

e. In case of absence from duty other than holiday and permissible leaves, proportionate  payment would be deducted from the consultancy fee.

f. AAI will be at the liberty to terminate the services in case of non-performance / unsatisfactory services.

g. AAI will be free to terminate the services in case the consultant remains absent for more than 15 days beyond the entitled leave in a calendar year.


a. Consultants shall not be entitled for any allowance such as Dearness Allowance (DA), Residential Telephone, Transport facility, Personal staff, Residential Accommodation, Medical Reimbursement etc.


a. No TA/DA shall be admissible for joining the assignment or on its completion.

b. However, consultants will be allowed TA/DA for their travel inside the country in connection with the official work approval after approval of competent authority.


a. The appointment of retired AAI Officials as Consultant would be made through advertisement on AAI website, followed by Interview through an Interview Committee (personal interview / interview through VC) by RHQ-ER.

b. AAI RHQ ER reserves the right, to decide to cancel this advertisement, and not to proceed in the matter, at any stage, accept or reject any or all offers, without giving any explanation, whatsoever.

How to apply?
The persons who fulfill the eligibility conditions after going through details of scope of work and terms and conditions and other details may apply in
prescribed format as given below.

Click here for Complete Notification 

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