JKBOPEE: Download B.Sc. Nursing/ B.Sc. Paramedical/ B.Sc. Tech. -2022 Admit Cards.

JKBOPEE: Download B.Sc. Nursing/ B.Sc. Paramedical/ B.Sc. Tech. -2022 Admit Cards: It is notified for information of all eligible candidates appearing in the Common Entrance Test for admission to B.Sc. Nursing/ B.Sc. Paramedical/ B.Sc. Tech. Courses2022 on 19.06.2022, to download their Admit Cards w.e.f. 08th of June, 2022 (2:00 pm) on the official website of BOPEE viz; www.jkbopee.gov.in. The candidates should take note of the following time schedule/instructions/guidelines and strictly follow these for their own convenience:

Date of Entrance Test: 19th June 2022 (Sunday),
Timing of Examination: 10:30 A.M. to 01:30 P.M.

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Important Guidelines:
The candidates are required to affix a recent passport size photograph on Electronic Admit Card downloaded by them from the official website of the BOPEE and should also carry along with them any one of the below mentioned Photo ID Proofs in original positively for their identification:
i. Election ID Card
ii. Aadhaar Card/ Pan Card/ Driving License/ Passport.

The candidates are informed that the Answer key of the Question papers will be uploaded on the BOPEE website (www.jkbopee.gov.in)on the same day of the Entrance Test i.e 19th June 2022 at 07:00 p.m after the conclusion of the examination or upto 02:00 P.M on next day and will remain there for three days
(i.e. 20th 21st & 22ndof June, 2022) up to 5:00 pm and thereafter will be removed.

The candidates, who have any objection against an Answer to a Question in the Question Booklet are free to make written representation supported by documentary proof from Standard Text Books on the prescribed format (available on the official website of the BOPEE) and in the BOPEE office at Srinagar / Jammu, which should reach in the BOPEE office (Srinagar/ Jammu) within stipulated time as above and thereafter no representation will be entertained/accepted. The candidates interested in making representation online/offline shall have to pay a non-refundable fee of Rupees 1000/- which can
be paid by Debit Card/Credit Card/ATM Card through POS Machines available at the BOPEE office Jammu/Srinagar. These representations, in a consolidated form, will be given due consideration by the experts whose decision will be final. On the basis of the decision of these experts, a revised key, if required, will be uploaded again on the Board’s Website as and when available. No representation
will be entertained against the revised answer key.

Official Notification: CLICK HERE
Official Website: https://www.jkbopee.gov.in

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