JKSSB Releases Admit Cards for Various Post: Download here
Downloading of Admit cards for the OMR Based Objective Type Written Examination for the posts of Junior Engineer (Civil) and other posts.
Subject: Downloading of Admit cards for the OMR Based Objective Type Written Examination for the posts of Junior Engineer (Civil), Assistant Law officer, Junior Legal Assistant, Reader and Legal Assistant, Various Cadres and various Advertisement Notification Nos – regarding.
It is hereby notified for the information of all such candidates, who have applied for the for the posts of Junior Engineer (Civil), Assistant Law officer, Junior Legal Assistant, Reader and Legal Assistant, Various Cadres and various Advertisement Notification Nos, that their OMR Based Objective Type Written Exam is scheduled to be held on 20th of March, 2022, from 12.00 noon to 2.00 pm (Sunday) and their Admit Cards shall be available for downloading from today i.e 17th of March, 2022, onwards from the Official website of JKSSB i.e http://www.jkssb.nic.in.
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The candidates can get access to the Admit Cards from main homepage by entering Application No. and DOB (Hall Ticket/Admit Card for OMR Based Written Test for the posts of Junior Engineer (Civil), Assistant Law officer, Junior Legal Assistant, Reader and Legal Assistant,).
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