Dated: 02-12-2015

– Availability of online Application Form: 3rd December, 2015.
– Last date for submission of Online/ Hard copy of Application Form: 4th January, 2016
Online application forms are invited from the eligible candidates for the following posts in Nursing College of Islamic University of Science and Technology Awantipora, Kashmir as given below:
No. of posts
Principal cum Professor
(Rs. 37400-67000 G.P Rs. 8700)
15 years experience with M.Sc.(Nursing) out of which 12 years should be teaching experience with minimum of 5 years in collegiate programme.
Ph.D.(Nursing) is desirable
Associate Professor
(Rs. 15600-39100 G.P Rs. 7600)
M.Sc. (Nursing) with 8 years experience including 5 years teaching experience
Ph.D.(Nursing) desirable
Assistant Professor
(Rs. 15600-39100 G.P Rs. 4200)
M.Sc. (Nursing) with 3 years teaching experience
Ph.D.(Nursing) desirable
(Rs. 9300-34800 G.P Rs. 4200)
M.Sc.(Nursing) Or B.Sc.(Nursing)/P.B.B.Sc.(Nursing) with 1 year experience
1. Candidates are required to apply online through University website No other means/ mode of application will be accepted. The fee of Rs. 800/- (Rupees eight hundred only) can be deposited in any of the branches of Jammu and Kashmir Bank against the auto-generated pay-in-slip with the application form.
2. Candidates who have been awarded post graduate/Ph.D degree from Foreign University should enclose Equivalence Certificate” issued by Association of Indian Universities (AIU), New Delhi without which their candidature will not be considered and application form will be rejected.
3. The candidates in employment should forward their applications through their employer.
4. Hard copy of application form along-with a Bank receipt of pay-in-slip (University Copy) complete in all respects duly supported by attested copies of certificates and testimonials should reach office of the Registrar by or before 4th January, 2016. Applications received after the expiry of the due date will not be entertained.
5. Eligible candidates will be informed about the date and place of interview through intimation under certificate of posting/ speed post/ registered post/e-mail whichever suitable. However, University does not take any responsibility for non-receipt or delayed receipt of the intimation by a candidate.
6. Candidates are advised to remain in contact with Registrar office/ University website regarding date of interview.
7. Candidates will have to produce original documents relating to their qualification, experience etc. at the time of appearing in the interview.
8. The University reserves the right to defer filling up of posts advertised here-in above/ not to fill up the posts advertised / to increase or decrease the number of posts advertised here-in-above without assigning reason thereof.
9. The university reserves the right to place reasonable limit on the total number of candidates to be called for interview. Short listing of the applicants shall be made on the basis of higher academic qualifications, experience, publication and other academic credentials of the candidates.
10. Qualified retired personnel can also apply for the said positions for engagement on contractual basis. Their salaries and other terms of conditions of service shall be negotiable
11. No TA/DA shall be paid to candidates for appearing in the interview.
Note: In case candidates with above mentioned experience do not become available, relaxation in conditions of eligibility can be recommended to the Competent Authority for consideration.
No. IUST/Reg/Adv/15/9490.
Dated: 02 -12 -2015.