Kashmir University Postponed Exams
Kashmir University Postponed Exams
The examination of the following subjects of BG 3rd Semester scheduled to be held on 12/10/2022 (Wednesday) is hereby Kashmir University postponed exams
1) Kashmiri Literature
2) Exploring Hindi Cinema (BMMMC H-301)
3) Operating System (BCA H-16302)
4) Tax Planning (GE-BBA-304)
5) British Literature 18th Century-BAH
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6) British Literature 19th Century (BA ENG H)
7) Intermediate Micro Economics-I (BA ECO H)
8) Open Source Tools & Techniques (BSC IT H)
9) Personal Finance & Consumer Studies (BHSC)
However, the examination in remaining subjects/ papers shall be conducted as per notified dates. Besides the examination of Backlog candidates shall be conducted separately.
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