University of Kashmir Jobs Recruitment 2022.

University of Kashmir Jobs Recruitment 2022

Posts Details Below :

For Engagement of Contractual Lecturers for the Academic Arrangement-2022

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Applications on the prescribed format, which can be downloaded from the University website are invited for the engagement of contractual lecturers in the below mentioned subject for the Session-2022 at Main Campus purely on academic arrangements.

Application form complete in all respects along with relevant documents should be submitted in the office of Dean, School of Social Sciences by or before 16.08.2022.

Name of the Posts :

Lecturers : 03 Posts

Name of the Subjects :


Eligibility : 

PG in Anthropology with 55% marks, or allied subjects (Sociology, Archeology, Linguistics &
Social Work) with NET/SET or Ph.D.

Preference will be given to PG Anthropology applicants.

The advertisement Notice issued by this office vide Advertisement Notice-I dated 09.02.2022 for the engagement of contractual lecturers in the subject of Anthropology be treated as null & void.

Candidates in their own interest are advised to be in touch with the concerned Dean of the School about the date, venue and time of the interview.

Salary of the appointees shall be paid on the basis of their qualification.

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