Kashmir Private Schools Adopt Barter System, Ask Parents To Deposit Full Fee and Take Answer Sheets.

Kashmir Private Schools Adopt Barter System, Ask Parents To Deposit Full Fee and Take Answer Sheets.

Private schools have allegedly asked parents to deposit 100% fees of their children or else their examination papers will be withheld.

The parents of children studying in different private schools in Srinagar city have decided to submit a petition to the district administration in this regard.

This year private schools didn’t function at all in wake of Covid-19 pandemic. Private schools conducted off line examinations.

Several schools informed parents through WhatsApp and SMS to collect the examination papers from school. Ironically, when parents visited schools to collect the examination papers, they were forced to clear the fees and only after that, those papers were handed over to them.

“These schools were least interested in examinations or handing over the papers to parents but the real motive was to empty the pockets of parents,” said Aijaz Ahmed whose kid study at Khanam’s Public Higher Secondary School located at Lawayapora Srinagar outskirts.

“I requested the school principal to handover the examination papers to him as I was out of money, but all my requests went into deaf ears,” he added.

Javaid Ahmed whose kid studies at Wood Land School in Sonwar Srinagar told news agency Kashmir News Trust that after submitting the fee, it is mandatory for parents to send the fee submission slip to concerned teacher through WhatsApp and only then that teacher hands over the examination papers to parents.

“Gone are days when education mattered, now it has become a business, an industry to maximize profits. You pay fee and get the answer sheets of your kid. This barter system speaks volumes about those who call themselves so-called educationists, pledging to spread the light of education,” said a group of parents. (KNT)