Memories Of 2014 Flood Back As Heavy Rains Submerge Areas In Kashmir.

Memories Of 2014 Flood Back As Heavy Rains Submerge Areas In Kashmir.

With heavy, incessant rains from the last couple of days, flood like conditions prevailed in various areas of Kashmir.

Lanes in many Srinagar localities were submerged and city dwellers had a tough time walking on the city streets.

Almost all the interior and main roads were inundated while people found it difficult to cross the roads.

Heavy water logging was reported from city hub Lal Chowk, Jawahar Nagar, Exhibition Road, Raj Bagh, Batamaloo, Bemina and other parts of the city.

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People alleged that such a situation has arisen because of the inaction of the Srinagar Municipal Corporation. “The action of SMC is limited to facebook only where the Corporation posts some of the photographs about its achievements but on ground it remains invisible. No dewatering pumps were used to drain the waters from the roads and streets”, locals said.

Many areas of Bemina locality were submerged and people were seen helplessly helping those whose homes were submerged.

In the old city, people alleged that the dewatering operation is also running at a snail’s pace and it became a source of inconvenience for a large number of people. Most public transport went off the roads and many in the city preferred to stay indoors due to water logging which hampered smooth traffic movement.

Videos which have gone viral on social media show dozens of villages including Wayil in Ganderbal, Quimoh in South Kashmir, Chamgund in Kulgam and Srinagar’s Bemina area submerged under a massive gush of water.

Vaishov stream, which flows mainly through Kulgam district, was flowing dangerously above the flood alert mark as well. A breach in a temporary diversion along the banks of Vaishov stream in Chamgund in Kulgam was also reported.

In view of the increasing water levels in River Jhelum and its tributaries, Advisor to Lieutenant Governor, Rajeev Rai Bhatnagar paid a visit to Flood Control Room Ram Munshi Bagh and assessed the flood situation.

He also held a detailed meeting with the senior officers of Irrigation and Flood Control wing of Jal Shakti Department and evaluated the overall flood scenario across the UT. (With CNS Inputs)