Cluster University Recruitment 2022.

Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for engagement of Assistant Professors/ Teaching Assistants on Academic Arrangement in five Schools of the Cluster University of Jammu for the academic session 2022-23.

Vacancy details of Cluster University Recruitment 2022:

Name of Post: Assistant Professors/ Teaching Assistants

1. English
2. Mathematics
3. Geology
4. Chemistry
5. Physics
6. Commerce
7. Education
8. Botany
9. Zoology
10. History
11. Linguistics
12. Literature.

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Where to Apply for Cluster University Recruitment 2022:

The candidates can apply online through the University Recruitment portal from 26/6/2022 to 02/7/2022 with an application processing fee of Rs 100/-

The qualification and other details are available on the University Website.

Official Notification: CLICK HERE
Official Website:

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