ICAR CITH Recruitment 2022.

 The eligible candidates are invited for Walk-In-Interview on 20.06.2022 at 11.00 AM at ICAR-CITH, Srinagar for the temporary position of Scientific Assistant/Field Worker purely on a contractual basis up to 31.03.2023 or up to the availability of funds under the project whichever is earlier.

Vacancy details of ICAR CITH Recruitment 2022:

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Name of Post: Scientific Assistant/Field Worker
Place of Posting: ICAR CITH Srinagar

Eligibility criteria for ICAR CITH Recruitment 2022:

Essential Qualification: Graduate in any branch of Science with a minimum of 60% marks from a recognized University/College.

Desirable: Biochemical and molecular techniques and experience in data recording of horticulture crops.

Experience: Biochemical and molecular techniques and data recording of horticulture crops.

The candidates who fulfill the requisite qualification as indicated below should bring their brief bio-data neatly typed and experience certifñicates along with original and attested photocopies of qualification certificates and passport size photographs for verifñication and submission.

For further details contact:
Address: K.D. Farm, Old Air Field, PO: Rangreth-190 007, Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir, India
Phone: 0194-2305044
Telefax: 0194-2305045
Email: dircithsgr@icar.org.in.

Official Notification: CLICK HERE
Official Website:

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