J&K Teachers Allege They’re Being Forced To Contribute To ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ Campaign.
A teachers’ union on Sunday alleged that teachers and students are being forced to contribute money to buy tricolours as part of the Har Ghar Tiranga campaign across Kashmir.
They allege they are being forced following deputy commissioners’ instructions issued to heads of institutions and government departments asking them to collect money on “voluntary” basis from employees, students, self-help groups and trainees for the Har Ghar Tiranga campaign.
The Jammu and Kashmir Teachers’ Forum said education authorities have asked heads of schools to necessarily collect money in the next few days, with chairperson M Rafiq Rather, adding, “There is a lot of pressure forcing teachers and students to contribute money. We have been raising tricolour all along and it has always been part and parcel of our official functions, but why is the government asking money from employees and students?”
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Meanwhile, a government college professor said, “The district administration asked us to collect money from every student of the college. On paper there might be a voluntary clause but on ground we have been asked to collect from everybody.”
There is no compulsion, contribution is strictly optional, says admin.
Kashmir divisional commissioner Pandurang K Pole said making the contribution was strictly optional and denied any compulsion. Speaking about the campaign, he said, “Every citizen who wants to hoist the flag, following proper flag code is welcome to do so.”
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