JKPSC Deficiency Notice of Secretariat Assistant Course/Foundation Course/Secretariat Assistant Course and Foundation Course Departmental Examination, 2022.
JKPSC Deficiency Notice of Secretariat Assistant Course/Foundation Course/Secretariat Assistant Course and Foundation Course Departmental Examination, 2022
Whereas, vide Notification No.PSC/Exam/10/2022 dated 29.03.2022 application
forms for appearing in Secretariat Assistant Course/Foundation Course
Departmental/Secretariat & Foundation Course Departmental Examination were invited
from eligible candidates. In response 2380 (SAC-243, FC-492, SAC/FC-1645) application
forms were received, and
Whereas, on scrutiny of the application forms, it has been found that out of 2380
candidates 107 (SAC-34, FC-34, SAC/FC-39) candidates have not submitted hard copies of
their application forms upto the last date i.e. 30.04.2022 and further 68 (SAC-22, FC-09,
SAC/FC-37) candidates have not submitted their completion of Training Certificate issued
by the IMPA/GAD alogwith Eligibility from Competent Authority. Furthermore, 91 (SAC-25,
FC-53, SAC/FC-13) candidates have not filled their application forms in their respective Item
number of the said notification.
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Now, therefore the following candidates are advised to submit the requisite
documents shown against each by or before 23.08.2022, failing which their candidature
will be rejected without any further notice:-
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