Jobs in JK State Co-operative Bank Ltd.
Jobs in JK State Co-operative Bank Ltd. Development Assistants vacancies.
Applications were invited through Recruitment Notice No. 6286-89/6295-98 dated 15-03-2022 for filling of four positions of PAC Development Assistants under Cooperative Development fund to Cooperative credit Structure (NABARD Funded Project on consolidated monthly emoluments of Rs. 20000 Rupees Twenty Thousand only two each at Srinagar and Jammu.
Name of the post: PAC Development Assistants
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Monthly emoluments: Rs. 20000
Applicant must be 60% MBA with 60% above marks
Six Months Computer Course
Diploma in Cooperatives
Weight-age on prorate basis: 60% for Academic Qualification 10% for Computer Course 10% for Diploma in Cooperatives and 20% for Interview.
How to apply J&K State Co-operative Bank:
The desirous candidates may either submit their applications, affixed with two passport-sized photographs, along with self-attested copies of the requisite certificates/testimonials by depositing the same Corporate Office of J&K State Co-operative Bank Athwas Gahh Rajbagh Srinagar against proper receipt or send the same through the registered post which must reach Corporate Office of J&K State Co-operative Bank Athwal Gahh Rajbagh Srinagar by or before 15th September 2022. Incomplete applications or applications deposited or received beyond the said date shall not be entertained.
The applicants shall be subjected to a recruitment process involving interviews.
The appointments shall be purely on a temporary basis with no scope for regularization or continuation, whatsoever beyond the date of completion of the Project
The selected candidates will have to execute an agreement with the Bank that they shall be willing to work for a period upto 30-04-2024 only from the date of appointment or as specified in the appointment letter and will not leave the assignment before the completion of the project, which is to be completed by 30-04-2024
The applicants who have already applied need not re-apply. In view of the re-advertisement of the said posts, above cited interview notification is hereby canceled.
The shortlist shall be redrawn to include fresh applications, if any received, in response to this re-advertisement notification. The Selection Committee reserves the right to specify further terms and conditions in the actual appointment letter to the selected candidates.
Email:, (Fax Nos2310616) Phone No. 2311121,2313823
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