CSIR-IIIM Srinagar Jobs.

CSIR-IIIM Srinagar Jobs.

Eligible & interested candidates are invited for an ONLINE INTERVIEW through Video Conferencing on MS Team/Google Meet/ for the following purely temporary position of Project Associate-I under the following project tenable at CSIR-IIIM, Branch Lab., Srinagar

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Name of the post:

Position CodeName, No. of Positions & Project No.Essential QualificationDesirableUpper age limitMonthly Emoluments (₹)Project Title
01Project Associate- I One Position Project no.: GAP3136M.Sc. in Chemistry from a recognized UniversityExperience in Natural Product Chemistry/ Medicinal Chemistry/ Inspire fellow/ NET qualified35 years(i) 31,000/- + HRA to scholars who are selected through (a) National Eligibility Tests-CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE or (b) A selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions


(ii) 25,000/- + HRA for others who do not fall under (i) above
Development of Bioactive Natural Product from Artemisia moorcroftiana/ Stachys tibetica/ Senecio graciliflorus

(Funded by DST- SERB, Project No.CRG/2022/001920)

Project completion date

How to apply: The application form for a particular position code can be filled online in the Google Form using particular positioncode. The Google Form link is available on the CSIR-IIIM website (www.iiim.res.in). Filled in Google Form should be submitted by or before 06.02.2023 up to 3:00 pm.


Application Forms submitted after the scheduled date and time i.e. 06.02.2023 up to 3:00 pm. shall not be entertained for Online Interviews.

Only eligible candidates shall be accessed for the online viva-voce on the date of Online Interview. The list of eligible candidates and date for the Online Interviews will be displayed on the CSIR-IIIM Website www.iiim.res.in.

For any query E-mail at:kabhat@iiim.res.in 

Official Notification: Click here

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