SKUAST Kashmir Job Recruitment 2022.

Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir invited applications for engagement of the following posts under DBT and JKST&IC sanctioned projects in the Division of Veterinary Physiology from the candidates with the following qualification;

Eligible candidates can apply on the SKUAST-K website. Read below post names, qualifications required, Salary details and how to apply.

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The last date to apply for the posts is August 24.

Vacancy details of SKUAST Kashmir Job Recruitment 2022:

1. Junior Research Fellow (JRF)
 Post-graduate degree (MVSc) in Physiology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Animal Breeding & Genetics and Livestock Production Management
Skills: Molecular biology techniques

2. Project Assistant
 Science graduate or Veterinary graduate
Skills: Molecular biology techniques, Livestock management

1. Junior Research Fellow (JRF): Rs. 34,000/ per month
2. Project Assistant: Rs. 10,000/ per month

How to apply?

The applications with contact details (email, Whatsapp number) should reach the undersigned by mail ( or through the Google form link up to 5 PM of 24th August 2022.(

The interview date for the eligible candidates will be communicated separately on their contact email or mobile.

The candidates called for interview are required to bring their original certificates/ testimonials along with one set of Xerox copies on the day of the interview.


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