Central University of Jammu Jobs Recruitment 2022.
Central University of Jammu Jobs Recruitment 2022 JRF
Central University of Jammu Jobs : Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following research positions three (3) on temporary basis under Satish Dhawan Centre for Space Sciences, Central University of Jammu for a period of one year which can be further extended based on the performance of the candidate in the periodical reviews, for a maximum period of 03(three) years in total:
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Stipend: First two years Rs 31,000/- per month + HRA (as per CU Jammu norms) and Third year Rs. 35,000/- per month +HRA
PhD Opportunity (for NET/ GATE qualified): JRF candidate selected for this position will have the opportunity to register for a regular Ph.D. program in CUJ provided JRF satisfies the eligibility criteria for the same.
Mode of Application: Interested candidates are requested to submit duly filled application form in the format (available online on the institute website www.cujammu.ac.in ) along with Self Attested Enclosures (CV, Marksheets, Degree certificates, NET/ GATE score card, Caste certificate if applicable and any other relevant documents) as a SINGLE PDF FILE through email to the Principal Investigator before the deadlines.
Important Dates: Submission Deadline for Application Form: 15th Sep, 2022.
Shortlisted candidates will be called for written test and/or interview at a later date which will be intimated by Email.
The selected candidate will be expected to join at the earliest.
Correspondence Address: Dr. Vinay Kumar Convener, Satish Dhawan Centre for Space Sciences Central University of JammuRahya-Suchani (Bagla) Distt : Samba-181143. J&K, India
Mobile: +91 9419904016 Alt.
Email : vinay.phy@cujammu.ac.in
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